Winter urban garden: what to cultivate indoors?

The Urban Permaculture
2022-11-04 11:57:00 / Our Concept Tips and ideas for your urban garden / Comments 0

With this semi-hydroponic system, the culture in the city can be done continuously and also have varieties during the coldest months (even if the photosynthesis will be slower). You just have to choose the right varieties and plant them at the right time.

More and more people live in apartments in the city and don’t have the opportunity to own a garden. A semi-hydroponic system, which is very well adapted to urban environments, allows for more frequent and abundant growing throughout the year. With this semi-hydroponic system, the culture in the city can be done continuously and also have varieties during the coldest months (even if the photosynthesis will be slower). You just have to choose the right varieties and plant them at the right time.

Our first piece of advice is to prepare for winter before it even arrives.

What we mean by this is that once you have chosen the varieties that will best adapt to the winter period, you must ensure germination. For that two factors are essential: the light and the temperature. It is necessary to know that according to the varieties, they need more or less temperature to germinate but we always count at least 20 degrees. That's why we sow indoors, directly in the semi-hydroponic system, well exposed to sunlight (ideally in front of a window).

Now that this is clarified, it is necessary to choose the good varieties.

From our experience, we will advise you the varieties that you can plant in October to have a harvest throughout the winter. Not forgetting that we are still talking about cultivating in an indoor semi-hydroponic system.

The recommended varieties are: Parsley, Basil (Gustosa, Lemon, Cinnamon, etc), Winter Lettuce, Arugula, Radish, Chard, Cilantro, Dill, Carrots, Lamb's lettuce, Spinach...

Have you ever cultivated during winter? What was your experience?

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