How to have homegrown fresh aromatic herbs for fall and winter

The Urban Permaculture
2023-08-08 13:53:00 / Our Concept Tips and ideas for your urban garden Our Products / Comments 0


As fall season is approaching, most people also thing that means the end of gardening season. But that was before growing indoors in minimum space was an option. With our semi-hydroponic urban gardens you can grow indoors almost all year long, in a tiny space. In a year you can replant your urban garden several times to enjoy freshly homegrown aromatic herbs and leafy greens as long as possible in your dishes.

In this blog article we will give you the few tips you need to know to have fresh herbs and leafy greens for fall and winter season, using our semi-hydroponic urban gardens. To ensure enough lighting for the first weeks of the plant, we recommend you sowing your seeds until end of September to enjoy them during the end of the year. You will need to keep your urban garden indoors and in front of a window, in the brightest place available.

With our semi-hydroponic gardens you also save water, as the usage is highly reduced compared to classic in soil gardening.

In addition, the varieties we recommend you to plant for winter are the following: parsley, chard, basil, dill, coriander, winter lettuce,… if you have a question concerning other varieties, just send us a message to ask!

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