Raw and Cooked Onion Arugula Salad

The Urban Permaculture
2021-09-26 18:58:00 / Recipes / Comments 0

The Recipe


A hand full of arugula and a few mini onions from you garden, peppers, 1 tomato, a few leaves of basil, oil, salt, pepper.


Take a few onions (not all of them because some will be used raw), clean and cut them.

Clean and cut the peppers as well and cut them into thin strings. Cook the onions and the peppers with some oil in the pan (add seasoning).

Add in a plate the arugula, then cut the tomato and add it as well. Add some raw onions.

Add the cooked peppers and onions.

And finish everything with salt, pepper, olive oil and some basil leaves.

Enjoy your edible photosynthesis! 

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